Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Week 4

Week four was pretty fast! There were some pretty good highlights, being able to trade ties with Matt was awesome.  It's one of my favorite ties now. The posters that Grace and Dad put up were so awesome.  We all had a really fun time taking pictures. 
Sunday temple walk was really fun. I survived another week without having to give a talk in Korean for sacrament meetings so I am grateful for that. On monday we had TRC which is where you teach two lessons to like members normally and you just try to teach them something that they will need. The second guy we taught was a Brother who went to the Seoul mission. He said that Jeff was his AP for a little while he was there. I think his last name was Brother Vansimul or like Brother Vancul. I'm not too sure but we taught him about obedience and following the will of the father and at the end we asked him to bear his testimony after we had all said our own little testimonies. It was really awesome and the spirit was really strong. It's awesome the ability we have to speak and understand what they are saying in korean. It's so crazy. Yesterday in class we learned how to testify using testimony form and so each day we have to tell our testimony 3 times a day to 3 different people in korean.   It's crazy! But we just stop people while we wait in the crazy lunch lines. I wish I had an ipad so I could be able to type my testimony down in korean with the korean keyboard. I can talk about the gospel but that's about it I have no real idea how to have just a  normal day to day conversation but it's fun. On Monday we had our first English Fast which is what it sounds like where you don't speak any english. We did for like 2 or 3 hours.  It was so hard and crazy! It's fun though and kind of solidified that we are actually learning something here. I love being able to write stuff in korean.  It looks so cool and its awesome being able to read all of it. I also like learning all the fun korean slang because that's just fun too say! We also learn words that we use In volleyball like gongjoo which means princess in korean so when ever you hit the ball into the net you have to say "jonen gonjoo Imneeda" or I'm a princess and  then have to re-serve it haha. It's pretty fun all the things we can say. I miss you all a ton! This week was pretty good. I miss you all a ton! I love you guys! 

Love Elder Allen

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